As already stated, round stranded ropes have both the strands and the wires in the strands laid helically. Should the lay of the outer wires in the strands be in the same direction or in the opposite direction to that of the strands in the rope, the result will be respectively a Lang’s Lay rope or an Ordinary (Regular) Lay rope, having a Right Hand Lay or Left Hand Lay according to the lay of the strands. Right Hand and Left Hand lays are designated respectively Z and S.
Ordinary Lay ropes are less likely to kink and untwist, and are less subject to failure from crushing and distortion. Because the longer length of exposed outer wires presents greater wearing surface, Lang’s Lay ropes have increased resistance to abrasion. Greater care must be exercised when handling Lang’s Lay ropes, as they are more likely to kink and untwist than Ordinary Lay ropes.
Ordinary Lay ropes are generally used because of their greater stability; however Lang’s Lay ropes are preferred for guided loads such as passenger and freight elevators because the wires have a longer contact with the sheave grooves and consequently less wear. Given equal construction and diameter, Lang’s Lay ropes are more flexible than the Ordinary Lay type.
The wire ropes we manufacture are performed according to special methods which give them stability and eliminate internal stresses.